Here's some ideas!
- Will your wedding cake be placed indoors or outdoors? You need to let the baker know so they can make sure the cake wont melt before you cut it and have it served to your guests.
- Your wedding cake can enhance the atmosphere if you are doing a themed wedding. Synchronise your design with the theme that you are having.
- Do you have guests with special dietary requirement (eg halal food)? Then you need to ensure that the cake can satisfy their requirement if you are serving the cakes to them.
- Its better if you look through magazines and search the internet for designs so you can show it to the baker. Images are always better to put your ideal design across.
Budget tip
If you have the time and can manage with a little effort on your own, you could also get a simple cake and some tiers to place your cakes. Decorate it with cake toppers.
Cake toppers
- 3D clay figurine of the wedding couple. You can make this with angel clay and keep it as a momento after the wedding.
- Swans
(Pic source from Designs by Dorian)
- Real Flowers. Let the florist know the size of your cake and get them to decorate your cake using flowers. Do your own decor if you have time.
- Wedding Heart. You can either make your own with angel clay or get it from the usual art and craft shops.
(Pic source from Unique Bridal Supplies)
- Your Initials
(Pic source from Beau-Coup)
Thank you, I have recently been searching for information about this topic for ages and yours is the best I have discovered so far.
wedding cakes Singapore
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