There is no pillar in the Room and only one screen is provided. The march-in walkway is quite narrow. Although it is stated that the Room is located at Level 1, it is actually on level 2 as the ground level is claimed as the Lobby level.

Grand Hyatt is conveniently located near the Orchard MRT Station and takes about 5 mins to walk from the station.
Food and Service
The food is relatively good and serving is enough. The waiter and waitress are able to carry themselves professionally and are well-dressed and well-groomed. The waiter will attentively wipe clean the rotating panel when dirtied and serve order promptly. Most importantly, most of them carried smiles on their face!
On the whole, the hotel left me a very good impression except for the sound effect. What I figured out was they just blast the music/song loud and there was background noise. A bit cannot make it, so hopefully they will improve on it.
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